
Icon Arrays Reduce Concern Over COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects


We found that people were less hesitant about the J&J vaccine if they viewed an icon array representing the risk of side-effects

Recommended citation: Fansher, M., Adkins, T.J., Lalwani, P., Boduroglu, A., Quirk, M., Carlson, M., Lewis, R. L., Shah, P., Zhang, H., Jonides, J.(2021). "Icon Arrays Reduce Concern Over COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects: A Randomized Control Study." PsyArXiv.

How well did people forecast the spread of COVID-19?


We found that people forecasted COVID-19 more accurately using tables than graphs of historical data.

Recommended citation: Fansher, M., Adkins, T.J., Lalwani, P., Quirk, M., Boduroglu, A., Lewis, R. L., Shah, P., Jonides, J.(2020). "How well do ordinary Americans forecast the growth of COVID-19? ." PsyArXiv.